Xena and HerculesAshera's Archive
The Athenaeum
Shadowfen's Xena: Warrior Princess Fan Fiction Index
Xena Fan Fiction on Tom's Page
The Bard's Corner
The Ksmithares Archive
The Joxerotica Archives
Hercules After Dark
Herculean Slash
The Iolausian Library
Star Trek: VoyagerStar Trek Slash Archive - This site is temporarily down
Alt Star Trek Creative Official Fiction Archive The Alt Star Trek Creative Archive houses all kinds of Star Trek fic.
ASCEM: The Home of Treksmut Entrance for the smuttier brand of Trekfic
PacKage - Archive for Paris/Kim Writers List
Vampire ChroniclesThe VC Spec Archive
Rotoli della Luna
Star WarsElusive Lover Han/Luke slash
Master and Apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi slash
Sith Academy A very silly and fun parody site
The Star Wars Fan Fiction Library Site Slash and Het
X-MenX-Men: The Movieverse Specializing in fiction inspired by the movie
The X-Men: The Movie Fan Fiction Central Ditto
The Unofficial Rogue and Logan Shipper Shrine Logan/Rogue inspired by the film
The Gateway: The Unofficial X-Men Fan Fiction Archive Specializing in fiction inspired by the comics
X-Men: The Movie - Slash Archive Specializing in slash fiction inspired by the movie
X-Men Slash Central! Specializing in slash fiction inspired by the comics
Multi-FandomThe Complete Kingdom of Slash
Fan Fiction on the Net
FanzinesAgent With Style Fanzine press that publishes/distributes works for many fandoms including Buffy, X-Files, Star Trek (TOS, VOY and Next GEN), Highlander, Star Wars, and Xena.
Fan Fiction on the Net - Fanzines Karen's listings of fanzines for loads of fandoms.
Infinity Press Fanzines for slash pairings from ST:Voyager, The Professionals, Stargate SG-1 and more.
KnightWriter Press Over 100 different fanzines for over 50 fandoms including Hercules, with het and slash.
Sockii Press Fanzines Fanzines for various fandoms including A-Team, X-Files, Babylon 5, and Hercules and Xena.
Unicorn Press Various fanzines for X-files, Star Trek, Highlander, and Hercules and Xena.
Dead links? Please tell Flaming Eye