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Xebbie has a whopping 13 new stories on the archive: the Pillow Talk series, and includes Pillow Talk, The Look of Love, My Favourite Mistake, Accidents Will Happen, Heat of the Night, In The Clear Light of a New Day, Frustration Break , Bodyrock , Camping With Xena (winner of the 2001 Golden Quill Award for Best Erotic Story), The Aphrodite Factor - Part One and The Aphrodite Factor - Part Two . She's also contributed an Ares/Jett slash story called Leather After Dark - which won the 2001 Golden Quill Award for Best Slash Story - and a Xena/Gabrielle/Joxer story, With Friends Like These..., winner of the 2001 Golden Quill Award for Best Joxer-Friendly Subtext Story. Tell us a little about yourself I go by the name Xebbie in Xena fandom. Erm, I'm female, early 20s, and a Gemini. ;P How long have you been watching Xena/Hercules/Young Hercules? Never got into either Herc series; I started watching Xena at the beginning of season three, and stopped at the end of season five. What got you into the show(s)? The sense of humour and fun, of not taking itself too seriously; the variety in tone, from action/drama to humour; the characters and the relationships between them. I stopped watching because I felt all these had either disappeared, or changed drastically, and I just couldn't get into it anymore. How did you discover fan fiction? With Xena fanfic, I went out looking for it after seeing the final few eps of season two just before season three started. Fanfic in general, I had been reading since 1994 or thereabouts, when I first signed onto the Internet and found out about it. What did you get out of fan fiction that you didn't get out of the show(s)? [if anything] Well, more appreciation for Joxer was a big one. And exploration of plots that were more or less ignored on the show (such as Gab's resurrection after pit-diving in "Sacrifice", etc). Why did you decide to start writing fan fiction? I saw things I thought would be interesting to explore, and ran with them. *g* I can only write if I'm actually inspired to do so, and Xena was one of the few series that gave me inspiration. What characters do you enjoy writing about? Joxer, primarily; from a certain perspective I find him very compelling and it's interesting to explore his motivations. Gabrielle, though writing for her became harder and harder as her character became less and less consistent. Xena comes in third, though by season five I really enjoyed writing for her more than for Gab; initially I couldn't connect with her very well, but by season five I felt I sort of understood her a bit better. What do you find compelling about them? Joxer, the idea that still waters run deeper than you'd think (which is an idea supported in some episodes in which he's unexpectedly clever, ie, "Eternal Bonds"). Gabrielle, attempting to put together a reason for her wild shifts in ideals and personality; plus keeping a handle on her established character traits, like her creativity and her compassion as well as her developing warriorism. (whee, word creation.) Xena, I found her to be more humanized by the pregnancy and birth of Eve in season five; I saw her starting to connect more emotionally with people, and I loved exploring that in stories, while still keeping her as *Xena*, not a mushball or anything. ;) Do you include sexual content in your stories? What pairing(s)? Why? If you don't, why not? Yep; primarily Joxer/Gabrielle, though I have written a J/X/G story and, if I were so inspired, would consider writing a Xena/Gab story. I can't force a pairing anymore than I can force a fic in general, and I usually write only about pairings I have an emotional connection to. There was enough beneath-the-surface depth to Gab and Joxer's interactions that I felt like tossing sex into the mix would be rather interesting. ^_~ For a subtext story, as I said, I'd have to be so inspired before I could write it. I generally feel like the relationship between Xena and Gab has been explored pretty entirely in fanfic, so I don't feel any inspiration to explore anything between them, at least in sexual content (I've written a couple of sad AU altfics, both rated PG). Do you enjoy reading stories with sexual content? Why or why not? It depends on the pairing and the characters' motivation. I feel uncomfortable just reading PWP stories between characters I don't care about, or don't really see together. But fics that explore a character's emotional motivation can be really really well done, and I can enjoy them; likewise, once I've really gotten passionate about a couple, I can appreciate a good PWP every now and then. ;) Do you use beta readers? Why or why not? Yes, usually, because they'll sometimes catch things that really need catching. Though I have to admit that only about half of my stories use one, because it's hard to find a *really* good beta reader these days, and the one I had for a while didn't really find that much to comment on so it was only slightly better than nothing. What word-processing/editing programs do you use to write in? Do they include a spellchecker? Usually either SimpleText (if I'm on a Mac) or Wordpad (if I'm on a PC). I don't usually spellcheck beyond my own read-throughs, and a beta reader (mainly because I don't have a spellechecker *g*). Who are the fan fiction authors that influenced you most, or made the greatest impression on you? I can't really say that any have influenced me in the longterm. I've been inspired by Nancy Lorenz (aka Napalm Nacey), Melissa Flores, and a few others; it's shown up in my work sometimes, but it's not been anything that has continued to inspire me, really. Did you send them feedback? Have you ever sent an author feedback? If so, how did they respond (if at all)? Usually I send 'em feedback on list, and to be honest, usually I'm already pretty good friends with them. Is historical accuracy important to you? Why or why not? It is, but I don't usually write much solid historical fact into my fics. If I were to write about Caesar, at this point I'd go by the Xena version. If I were to write about another historical figure I'd try to be historically accurate, at least mostly. The historical inaccuracy on the show bugs the crap out of me, mainly because it puts Xena in an uber-position of being the "real" one to do EVERYTHING. Do you write for any other fandoms? If so, what are the pluses/minuses of the Herc-Xenaverse in comparison? I write very occasionally for Buffy fandom, and have written for a handful of cartoon series. One thing about XWP that is both a plus and a minus is there is such less consistency in that 'verse that you can make a case for pretty much *anything* happening. Which can be really good if you prefer a really out there concept (like a Joxer/Gab pairing), or really frustrating if you prefer to see one thing specifically and have to deal with other people seeing something different. On Buffy one of the things I really like is that the show is solid enough in its own canon that you have a really set foundation; but it changes often enough so that you can get away with a lot of different pairings, subjects, etc. However, when it changes, it *really* changes, so if you start off writing a pairing in one season and then try to keep it going two seasons later - you're kinda stuck, 'cause the show is moved on SO far from there (ie, bringing Xander and Cordelia back together at this point SO would not work). Do you write Uber fiction? Why or why not? I have, a couple of times, but only when the idea calls to me. In general I don't have any interest in reading or writing it, since my interest is in the original characters, and not with new ones who are *sort* of based on them. Now that both Hercules and Xena have ended, will you continue writing for the show(s)? Why or why not? Yes, off and on. I tend to be in denial about the end of season five and all of season six, so I'm happy to set my fics whenever. If I'm inspired to work on Xena, the things I liked to write about are still there and ready to explore. I'm not as inspired as often though, since the show isn't there to provide new thoughts. Is there any kind of Xena or Hercules fan fiction that isn't out there (as far as you know), but that you would like to see? (Pairing, genre, style, etc) Nah, not really. Any comments, questions, suggestions? Again, nah, not really. ;)
Jrpanther has 3 new stories on the archive: A Dark Day, a rewrite of Iolaus' cameo in 'The Quest,' Puzzle Pieces a morning-after tale that has Gabrielle and Iolaus scrambling for answers, and 'Twas the Night Before Solstice, a story about the most dysfunctional time of the year. All of these stories feature a Gabrielle & Iolaus pairing. Tell us a little about yourself I was born in October of 1980, in a teeny tiny town near Langley, British Columbia. When I was 2, I moved to Vancouver. It's my favourite city in the world. I've got a fat orange tabby cat named Chloe. I work as a receptionist/assistant, but I plan on going back to school to major in english and minor in history. I love to read and write and sing. I don't watch much TV, but I'm a huge fan of Xena and British comedies (such as Red Dwarf). I like some alternative and classic rock, but also a lot of eighties stuff like The Smiths, Duran Duran, and Blondie. My all time favourite band is 'Sloan.' Canada has this amazing music scene that mostly goes unnoticed. I like to cook, especially with my best buddy Ramleaf. I enjoy web design. I think that's about it! How long have you been watching Xena/Hercules/Young Hercules? The first episode I saw was 'The Price,' but the first episode that I got *into* was 'Tsunami.' A most underrated episode, I thought! So, I've been watching since late season three. What got you into the show(s)? I love the versitility of XWP. It's great how one week they'll make you cry, the next you'll be on the edge of your seat at the fast paced action, and the next you'll be rolling off your couch shedding tears of a different kind. How did you discover fan fiction? I think the first story I read was More Sinned Against Than Sinning by Rob Buckley (on Heart of Darkness). I was surfing late at night and I ended up staying awake until 6 am unable to deglue myself from the screen. The idea of the actual Callisto (not a reincarnation) being in modern times was just fascinating. After that, I started going for all the gen fic I could find. What did you get out of fan fiction that you didn't get out of the show(s)? [if anything] Initially, I really had no extensive interest in romantic pairings. I had always been a fan of Iolaus and Gabrielle as a couple but I never felt the need to really read about it. What I got out of fanfiction (reading and often writing) was the sympathy towards Joxer. I really hated how they treated him on that show, especially in season five. I never thought him and Gab should hook up, but sheesh, she could be a bit more respectful. After that, I got a bit more into reading romantic fics about Gabrielle and Iolaus. Why did you decide to start writing fan fiction? I missed Joxer in season six, so I all of a sudden decided to write a story about him, taking into account the things I mentioned in the last question. Luckily, by the time I finished half the first page, Ramleaf came to visit, and we wrote 'The Bravest of Heroes' together. What characters do you enjoy writing about? Gabrielle, Iolaus, Joxer, Aphrodite, Callisto and Autolycus. Actually, Minya was a blast to write too! What do you find compelling about them? If I'd known this was coming up I wouldn't have made such a long list, lol! I love Gabrielle's inner battles from season three about taking a life. I love how she evolved from village girl to staff-wielding amazon. I didn't really get into her later changes at all. Iolaus is such a great mix of best friend, lover, defender, and comic. Joxer is self explanitory, Aphrodite is just such a hoot cause she's got two faces. One is the self-absorbed ditz, the other is more compassionate. I think the last three are also pretty self explanitory. Do you include sexual content in your stories? What pairing(s)? Why? If you don't, why not? I include scenes that could be considered semi-sexual. A lot of them are hurt/comfort, but Iolaus usually ends up doing the right thing (there hasn't been a time in any of my stories where it would be right). In the next story I'm hoping to co-author with Beckers, there will be more graphic sexual scenes between and AU Gabrielle and Iolaus. Those are the only pairings I write at this time, but I could be easily convinced to write Xena/Borias if I had a good story idea. Do you enjoy reading stories with sexual content? Why or why not? I like reading them if they've got a story attached to them. I'm not too interested in PWP stories. The scenes just don't seem to hold as much weight without a story behind them. Do you use beta readers? Why or why not? I usually run stuff by Beckers and Ramleaf. What word-processing/editing programs do you use to write in? Do they include a spellchecker? Microsoft Word (the evil of the world, yet so standard). Yes, this includes a spell checker. :-D Who are the fan fiction authors that influenced you most, or made the greatest impression on you? Oh my goodness! I could go on for AGES! Beckers for her mastery of the I/G relationship, Rob Buckley for his handle on Callisto and the credibility of his stories, Maggie for her ability to get whichever emotion she wants out of you, and Brigid Doyle for the way she writes season one Gabrielle. She has a whole series on this. Very cute. Did you send them feedback? Have you ever sent an author feedback? If so, how did they respond (if at all)? For sure! Every time I read a story that I enjoy above most, for whatever reason, I email them if an address is available. Usually they are very flattered (we fanfic writers are always starving for this stuff) and hopefully they say, "Yes, you can host my story on your site." :) Unfortunately, most of the time the addies are no longer valid if the story is old. Is historical accuracy important to you? Why or why not? Absolutely. Well... to a point. I do a little research if needed, and I try not to make any big historical blunders. I probably make some sacrifices for the sake of of the story... I mean, we're writing about Greek gods here, and they're not too historically accurate. Do you write for any other fandoms? If so, what are the pluses/minuses of the Herc-Xenaverse in comparison? I've written several unfinished/unpublished Red Dwarf stories, and I'm sort of in the process of a Blackadder one. The pluses of the Xena/Hercaverse is that it's MUCH BIGGER! :) [Ashera: Red Dwarf? Kewl!] Do you write Uber fiction? Why or why not? I'd certainly like to try! I've got an idea for one, but nothing solid yet. Now that both Hercules and Xena have ended, will you continue writing for the show(s)? Why or why not? Yep. The show died, but the characters didn't... and never really will as long as we have fanfiction. </cliche> Is there any kind of Xena or Hercules fan fiction that isn't out there (as far as you know), but that you would like to see? (Pairing, genre, style, etc) Hmm... not as far as I know... I think everything's pretty much been covered! But I do wish there were more I/G authors. There are precious few of those. :) Any comments, questions, suggestions? The only suggestion I suppose I would make is that I find sans-serif fonts to be difficult to read off of for an extended period of time, as well as a stark white background. Pale colour backgrounds and simple serif fonts are much better for readability, IMO. I think that is my only suggestion. [Ashera: Hmm, I've wondered about this before, and I'll think on it some more *smell of burning rubber* - I've decided to make it a poll. Vote on the main page if you have an opinion about this] I love how this site is organized - it's easy to find whichever pairing you're into, and most of the time, no matter how unlikely it is! (Thank god we've not encountered any Xena/Argo pairings) [Ashera: Hey, that's speciesist ;)]
Ian Horne has one new story on the archive: Betrayals, a Gabrielle/Brutus story that is also featured on the New Pairings page. [Ashera: A combo that I've been anticipating] Tell us a little about yourself Male, early 40s, interests mainly center around TV and movies. How long have you been watching Xena/Hercules/Young Hercules? I started with THE TITANS in Xena's first season. What got you into the show(s)? In the beginning, it was just having a show on the air with a strong woman. Then THE GREATER GOOD aired and I thought, "Hmmmmm, these two could be closer than I think". The following week was CALLISTO and I was hooked. How did you discover fan fiction? I had gone to conventions and discovered fanzines in the early 80s. I started out writing fan fiction for DOCTOR WHO and BLAKE'S 7. What did you get out of fan fiction that you didn't get out of the show(s)? [if anything] Romance. With XENA, it's a catharsis to getting away from the "Gabrielle-Joxer/Xena-Ares" pairings that Rob Tapert seemed determined to put on the show to appease critics who thought Xena and Gabrielle might be gay. Sitting through Season 5 was agony. These two characters belong together. (Though I have to admit, in the story I contributed, Xena's not even in it. It's a MULHOLLAND DRIVE fantasy in reaction to Xena being with Marc Antony). Why did you decide to start writing fan fiction? It was an opportunity to go beyond the confines the show put on itself and the characters. I would have utilized the subtext of Season 6 in the second season and developed it from there over the years, if I had been running the series, not have Xena fall for Ulysses or the guy from WHEN IN ROME, or even create the illusion that Joxer had a shot at Gabrielle. What characters do you enjoy writing about? Women. What do you find compelling about them? Men are boring, for the most part. They have this ego box they're locked into and, if you break them out of it and make them sensitive, for example, they become less believable. Women, like Xena and Gabrielle or Sydney on ALIAS or Buffy, can be both tough and sensitive and not lose their credibility as characters. Do you include sexual content in your stories? Sometimes. What pairing(s)? F/F mostly. Only in the Brutus story have I brought a man into it. Why? Sometimes you want to put down how you think the characters would react beyond the boundaries of television. For example, it was obvious that Xena and Gabby sleep close together in DAY IN THE LIFE or the opening of THE DEBT. Considering how often they declare how much they love each other or how they look at each other, is it a leap to think they're not expressing it physically? Do you enjoy reading stories with sexual content? Yep. Why or why not? Because I'm just a dirty old man. :-) Do you use beta readers? Why or why not? No. Never thought of it. What word-processing/editing programs do you use to write in? Do they include a spellchecker? Microsoft Word with Spell checker. Who are the fan fiction authors that influenced you most, or made the greatest impression on you? That's a toughie. I'm going to do a Enron and take the fifth. :-) Did you send them feedback? Have you ever sent an author feedback? If so, how did they respond (if at all)? Once in a while. They respond in a very positive manner. Is historical accuracy important to you? Why or why not? To a point it is, but, for example, if I have a character in China and I'm not sure which dynasty is ruling at the time, I ignore mentioning it. But I try to stick to the customs, manners, and weapons of wherever I write. I don't throw rock music in like A KNIGHT'S TALE. Do you write for any other fandoms? If so, what are the pluses/minuses of the Herc-Xenaverse in comparison? The other fandoms, for the most part, that I've written for establish the characters I would like to see in a F/F situation are in fact on the series with male partners. For example, I wrote a story about Ezri Dax of STAR TREK: DS9 and her feelings about her gay double in the "alternate universe", but that's something the series never explored. The two Ezris never met and her twin was never discussed after that one episode ('The Emperor's New Cloak'). Ezri went off with Doctor Bashir at the series finale (How boring). Another was 7 of 9 and Janeway on VOYAGER, but the series, in a unfathomable maneuver, paired the Borg up with Chakotay in the final episodes. Double boring. So what you're writing is something the series would never do and you almost have to come up with a realization scene (What? Me and another woman?) in each story to be consistent with the series, at least to make it believable. The plus with the Xenaverse is that it is a given that Xena and Gabrielle are bonded. In fact, if Xena finds herself attracted to, say, Paris or Gabrielle with Najara, it's not "What's come over me? A woman falling for a woman?" reaction you would get in other fandoms. I wrote one story that had two contemporary female leads get together and the next morning, one of them freaks at what had happened. That doesn't happen in the Xenaverse (And what a breath of fresh air it is). Do you write Uber fiction? Why or why not? Not yet,..but, if I get a good story idea.... Now that both Hercules and Xena have ended, will you continue writing for the show(s)? Why or why not? Sure. Xena and Gabrielle are still my favorite romantic couple. Is there any kind of Xena or Hercules fan fiction that isn't out there (as far as you know), but that you would like to see? (Pairing, genre, style, etc) I would have liked to have seen in the series more of Najara and more of Gabrielle wondering if she had true feelings for her. The series nixed that with THE CONVERT, but the idea of a Xena-Gabrielle-Najara triangle always intrigued me.
Bardicway has one new story on the archive: Only One Chance, an Uber story that pairs up a soldier of fortune (Chance) and a stripper (Tracy). This story contains bdsm and sexual violence, so please read the warnings. Tell us a little about yourself I am a 55 year old lesbian. I have a love for writing about women's lives and issues. I live with my little dog Cerridwen in Spokane, Washington but don't hold that against us. I work in a residential treatment center for Chemical dependency. How long have you been watching Xena/Hercules/Young Hercules? I started watching XWP re-runs at the end of the 5th season (2000). What got you into the show(s)? I happened upon an episode that intrigued me. I knew the show existed but I thought it must be just a prehistoric bionic woman kind of thing. I actually watched it an got hooked on subtext, strong woman images, the lead characters and the women who play them. How did you discover fan fiction? I started browsing the web for anything Xena. Wow! What a treasure of stuff there is out there. I discovered the Xenaverse. What did you get out of fan fiction that you didn't get out of the show(s)? [if anything] A deep delving into subtext, A broadening of possibilities for the characters, uber and a rich collection of women authors to read that I may otherwise never have heard of. Why did you decide to start writing fan fiction? I have my own idea's of how I see these characters and different situations. Plus, I never tried my hand at writing any fiction before. I find I have a knack for it. What characters do you enjoy writing about? Xena and Gabrielle so far. What do you find compelling about them? Never in my life have I found such models of strong women who did not give a damn for pleasing men. These characters rather go for the challenge of living their own lives without that incentive. Plus, they like each other. They are not wimpy. They show what a woman can be to other women. I have more but this will do. Do you include sexual content in your stories? What pairing(s)? Why? If you don't, why not? I do include sexual content. When writing about Xena, I have paired only Xena and Gabrielle but I haven't explored anything beyond the one uber I have sent to you. I write other things in other places about other characters. Do you enjoy reading stories with sexual content? Why or why not? I love reading stories with sexual content because it not only turns me on but it gives me permission to explore it in my own writing. I have a particular love for smut writing of the darker side. Do you use beta readers? Why or why not? Yes I do use beta readers. I do it for many reasons. Mostly, I need honest help in looking at how something comes across. I believe in editing and positive criticism to help a story reach others. What word-processing/editing programs do you use to write in? Do they include a spellchecker? Microsoft Word and yes it includes spell check. Who are the fan fiction authors that influenced you most, or made the greatest impression on you? Klancy7, Mil Toro, Dark Angel, B L Miller, Nene Adams, Melissa Goode, C N Winters and many others I cannot think of off the top. Did you send them feedback? Have you ever sent an author feedback? If so, how did they respond (if at all)? Yes I send feedback. The response is of great gratitude for it every time. Is historical accuracy important to you? Why or why not? Historical accuracy is only loosely important to me. I have found that certain aspects of history have been clouded and or erased when it suited the researchers to do so anyway. Besides, when writing fiction I doubt if Marion Zimmer Bradley took what is known as accurate history to heart. She did okay ;) Do you write for any other fandoms? If so, what are the pluses/minuses of the Herc-Xenaverse in comparison? I don't write for other fandoms. I do write with a lesbian writing group called 'Kindred Spirit Lodge.' It is part of the Xenaverse. I write as Nessa there. http://kindredspiritlodge.tripod.com/index.htm will get you to the website where you can read the fiction but the actual group is part of Yahoogroups. Do you write Uber fiction? Why or why not? The story I sent to you is uber, titled, Only One Chance. Now that both Hercules and Xena have ended, will you continue writing for the show(s)? Why or why not? I will continue. They live on in my heart. Is there any kind of Xena or Hercules fan fiction that isn't out there (as far as you know), but that you would like to see? (Pairing, genre, style, etc) Not as far as I know but it is an interesting thought to ponder. I will let you know if I think of anything. Any comments, questions, suggestions? Just one question. If an author of Xena fan fiction has managed to write a book or two, does Ashera's give any kind of perks like tooting a horn for one of it's own? I ask because Klancy7 has written a sequel to Tristaine: The Clinic. I have been privileged to read the first three chapters, the woman is wonderful as a writer of Xena Uber. The sequel is Battle for Tristaine soon to be out on the shelves. I think if you don't have a space for this at the site... maybe it would be a good idea to create one. Thanks. [Ashera: I think that other sites have Uber/original book listings covered, like Lunacy, Ultimate Fan Fic Directory and Mary D's, but I have mentioned Klancy's published work in the past because she asked me to (and because I really enjoy her writing). I will continue to make the occasional plug in my What's New section, but I don't have the time or resources (or interest, quite frankly) to make it a comprehensive and 'official' gig. But nice suggestion. Oh, and there is a mailing list strictly for those interested in the Tristaine series]
Lady Kate has one new story on the archive: A Twist of Fate , a Xena/Ares AU story where the God of War learns just how much the reformed Warrior Princess has gotten under his skin. Tell us a little about yourself I'm a 39-year-old professional writer/journalist (real-life name: Cathy Young), with two published non-fiction books and numerous articles behind my belt. I was born in the former Soviet Union but have lived in the United States for 22 years, currently in New Jersey. Single, no kids. How long have you been watching Xena/Hercules/Young Hercules? I started watching Xena occasionally in its first season but was only a casual viewer until Season 6, and still haven't seen all the episodes. I've only seen a few episodes of H:TLJ (on the Sci-Fi channel) and none of Young Hercules. What got you into the show(s)? Several things:
How did you discover fan fiction? When I became fascinated with the Xena-Ares relationship, I felt somewhat dissatisfied with the way it was handled in Season 6 and began to look for stories that developed it further. Eventually I broadened my horizons and started reading good fanfic with pairings and themes other than Xena/Ares. What did you get out of fan fiction that you didn't get out of the show(s)? [if anything] New storylines, often ones I'd like to have seen on the show; character development and exploration of the relationships. Why did you decide to start writing fan fiction? Partly, for the same reason I started reading it -- because I wanted to see more development of the Xena/Ares relationship. Also, I began to see a lot of opportunities for stories to tell about the characters and for new directions to take them in. Ultimately, I think fanfic became a way for me to channel my long-suppressed creative writing urges (I wrote fiction in high school but later gave it up to go into journalism). What characters do you enjoy writing about? Ares, Xena and Gabrielle. My favorite secondary characters are Aphrodite (her dialogue is so much fun to write!), Athena, Callisto, and Cyrene. What do you find compelling about them? Their complexity and inner contradictions; their emotional intensity; their combination of strength and vulnerability. Ares finds, rather to his discomfort, that Xena brings out a human side of him that he isn't at all sure he likes; he faces a conflict between his love for Xena and everything he's always valued most -- power and survival. Xena is simultaneously self-sacrificing and egocentric, guilt-ridden and self-righteous, self-doubting and arrogant. Gabrielle's love for Xena leads the idealistic young bard to embrace a life of violence, even as she struggles to retain something of her faith in human goodness. The interaction between these three characters is fascinating as well (regardless of whether you see the relationship between Xena and Gabrielle as a sexual one, or as a platonic "romantic friendship"). Do you include sexual content in your stories? What pairing(s)? Why? If you don't, why not? My first four stories had no explicit sexual content; "A Twist of Fate" was my first sexually explicit story. Since then, I've written another story with sexual content -- the first part of a trilogy -- and am now writing the second part. I have plans for at least four more stories (including Part 3 of the trilogy), all of them with sexual content. So far, the sexual content in my stories has all been Xena/Ares -- but my next story after the trilogy, tentatively titled "All You Need Is Love," will also have Xena/Gabrielle and even some Ares/Gabrielle (in a menage a trois scenario). Do you enjoy reading stories with sexual content? Why or why not? I do, if the writing is good. I believe that sex scenes can tell us something very essential about the characters and their relationship. Plus, such stories can be quite hot! Do you use beta readers? Why or why not? I do -- I think it's always best to have somebody else take a look at the story before you post it. What word-processing/editing programs do you use to write in? Do they include a spellchecker? WordPerfect and sometimes Microsoft Word. They include a spellchecker but I almost never use it -- I'm fairly confident of my spelling! *g* Who are the fan fiction authors that influenced you most, or made the greatest impression on you?
Did you send them feedback? Have you ever sent an author feedback? If so, how did they respond (if at all)? I have indeed sent feedback to these and other authors; I've become very conscientious about sending feedback ever since I became a bard myself! Most of the time, I have received at least an acknowledgment of my e-mail, and in some cases very enthusiastic replies. Is historical accuracy important to you? Why or why not? I try to maintain some level of historical accuracy, but at the same time, Xenaverse is not the "real" ancient world -- it's a world in which Ulysses, Homer and Julius Caesar are contemporaries, and a woman (Livia) can lead the Roman army. Like the show, I make the ancient world far more sexually egalitarian than it actually was. Do you write for any other fandoms? If so, what are the pluses/minuses of the Herc-Xenaverse in comparison? No. At least, not yet. Do you write Uber fiction? Why or why not? Haven't written any yet, though I have a vague idea for an uber story. I'm not a big fan of ubers -- to me, the fantasy/pseudo-ancient setting is an integral part of the charm of Xenaverse. The one type of uber that I can find interesting is one in which the characters have a clear connection to their previous incarnations on X:WP (regaining their memories of that lifetime, for instance). Now that both Hercules and Xena have ended, will you continue writing for the show(s)? Why or why not? I certainly will, considering that I only recently got started (I posted my first story in May 2001)! It seems to me that in the absence of new episodes, fan fiction is more important than ever -- it can fill a void, giving fans the stories they crave. Is there any kind of Xena or Hercules fan fiction that isn't out there (as far as you know), but that you would like to see? (Pairing, genre, style, etc) I think there's at least one of everything out there (except maybe for Ares/Salmoneus stories, or anyone/Salmoneus for that matter!). I've even come across a story with an Ares/Athena pairing. I'm surprised that there aren't more Ares/Xena/Gab three-way stories out there -- that seems like such a "natural," particularly after that very provocative bed scene in OAHAF! *g* Any comments, questions, suggestions? Can't think of anything else to say except: great website! [Ashera: Thanks :)]
Mbard has one new story on the archive: Is that Cash or Charge?, an unreformed, badass Xena tale. Mbard isn't new to the archive, her story Moonlight is already listed. She just wanted to do something that would spark her muse, and so we happily obliged her. Tell us a little about yourself I'm 25, female and I live in London, England. Apart from writing Xena fan fiction I dabble with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and have been known to travel to Deep Space Nine every now and then. How long have you been watching Xena/Hercules/Young Hercules? Oh about three-four years I guess. What got you into the show(s)? I read about the subtext and that got my interest piqued and I've always been into mythology especially the Greeks so I tuned in midway series 2 and was hooked…oh alright I admit it, it was Lucy Lawless in the leather that did it for me. lol How did you discover fan fiction? Someone mentioned it to me and at first I thought they were making it up but then I did a search on the Internet and was just blown away by how much is out there. What did you get out of fan fiction that you didn't get out of the show(s)? [if anything] I suppose where the show stops short of being explicit about Xena and Gabrielle's relationship fan fiction takes over, especially the racier stuff which I particularly enjoy. And I like how you can get inside their heads, hear their thoughts, obviously you can't do that to the same extent on the show. Why did you decide to start writing fan fiction? Actually I'd been writing fan fiction way before I knew what it was or that anyone else was doing it, I thought I was some crazy that just obsessed too much over TV. But when I saw other people were doing it I decided to take it more seriously, I cringe now at my first attempt that is on the net, but thankfully I have improved. What characters do you enjoy writing about? Xena is always fun to write about, she has so many layers. You can get violent with her, evil, loving, even humorous. I wrote a Mel and Janice story last year too and I found the same thing with writing for Janice, she isn't what she appears to be and I like having that creativity. What do you find compelling about them? Oopps, seem to have answered this one already. (see above) Do you include sexual content in your stories? What pairing(s)? Why? If you don't, why not? It depends on what type of story I'm writing, my short Uber stories don't have sex in them because that's not the intent. But the longer ones will have sex crop up, f/f pairings. Why? because sometimes its integral to the plot, mostly they're fun to write, but honestly I expect some sort of sexual content in the fan fiction I read so I'm just returning the gesture. Do you enjoy reading stories with sexual content? Why or why not? Yep. I don't really know why, because its fun and it makes me smile. Do you use beta readers? Why or why not? Most of the time yeah, they fix my mistakes, they give me good advice so I avoid more mistakes, and they're there when I'm having writers block to tell me it will pass. What word-processing/editing programs do you use to write in? Do they include a spellchecker? I use good old Word 2000, it checks my spelling and grammar for me though the grammar program is shite but I haven't figured out how to switch it off yet (I'm not the worlds most technical gal) Who are the fan fiction authors that influenced you most, or made the greatest impression on you? I don't know about influenced but the ones that just blow me away with their talent are: Michal Salat, Frost, Enginerd, CN Winters and Ali Vali. Did you send them feedback? Have you ever sent an author feedback? If so, how did they respond (if at all)? Most of them I've sent feedback too, and they were gracious to send me a thank you back. I think if you like a story enough to sit back and go "wow" after you've read it the least you can do is tell the author. Is historical accuracy important to you? Why or why not? Not overly important, because lets face it the writers on XWP didn't care too much about that. But I try to have a blend of accuracy in my stories, for one thing it means you get to do some research and you should always try and learn something new everyday. Plus adds realism to a story. Do you write for any other fandoms? If so, what are the pluses/minuses of the Herc-Xenaverse in comparison? I write Buffy stuff too, well its more Faith fiction really. The plus side of the Xenaverse is the creative freedom you have, these are fantasy figures in the first place so you have much more scope with storylines and what is believable. Can't think of a downside. Do you write Uber fiction? Why or why not? I write loads of Uber fiction, in fact its becoming the main thing I do write. I thinks its because I want to create characters from scratch but who look like Xena and Gabs and who might have one or two traits and characteristics of the originals. Also I like to be able to choose my own setting/time period for my stories so Uber is the way to go. Now that both Hercules and Xena have ended, will you continue writing for the show(s)? Why or why not? Oh yeah, I need to keep Xena alive somehow. (God did I say that out loud?) Is there any kind of Xena or Hercules fan fiction that isn't out there (as far as you know), but that you would like to see? (Pairing, genre, style, etc) I'm sure everything has been covered, well at least as far as I know. Err, there aren't enough crossovers between genres though because it's so hard to make it work and be believable, but I would love to see what Xena would do face to face with Seven of Nine or Buffy for that matter. [Ashera: You should check out 'When Hellmouths Collide' at The Less Than Legendary Journeys, a Xena/Buffy Crossover. I hear that the characterizations are very good.] Any comments, questions, suggestions? Your site rocks, keep up the excellent work. [Ashera: Thanks :)] Er that's it. Thanx for listenin'. Mbardxxxx
Autumn Queen has 3 new stories on the archive: War vs. Lust, One Night Long Ago and Forced Affair, a m/m slash crossover with Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Tell us a little about yourself I am a 32 year old Xena, Star Wars, LoTR basically fantasy fan for well over 25 years. I love reading and writing fan fiction, love making websites and love meeting new people. How long have you been watching Xena/Hercules/Young Hercules? Since 1996 What got you into the show(s)? The show 'Destiny' from Xena. It was so beautiful and just drew me in. I was hooked from then on... How did you discover fan fiction? In 1998, I received my first home computer that I could go online with, but had actually found fan fiction with my work laptop in 95 or so... It was Star Wars back then... What did you get out of fan fiction that you didn't get out of the show(s)? [if anything] More stories featuring characters that I liked, AU pairings and 'fixes' to plot holes. Why did you decide to start writing fan fiction? I've been writing fan fiction since 1983. I started because it gave me a creative outlet. What characters do you enjoy writing about? Ares, Xena, Obi-Wan, Padme, Boromir and Gabrielle. What do you find compelling about them? For Ares and Gabrielle, its a very simple, I like the characters, and I love Greek Mythology, coupled with the performances of the actors. Obi-Wan and Padme, I can just see them together. They just click to me. Why do I write slash? Well, I can actually only write characters that I can see being attracted to each other. I can see Ares not caring who he sleeps with if he finds them attractive enough. Caesar, is always out for himself. If it helps having the BBGoW in love or lust with him, so much the better. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, they just fit together so perfectly. Do you include sexual content in your stories? What pairing(s)? Why? If you don't, why not? Yes, my slash stories and my Obi/Padme stories have it. It depends on my mood when I write it, or whether I am fancying the character at the time. Do you enjoy reading stories with sexual content? Why or why not? Yes I do, as long as it is handled right or the story is an ABH. I dislike poorly concealed Mary Sue stories. Do you use beta readers? Why or why not? Yes, I do. I believe a second set of eyes will always help, plus I need help with punctuation. Semi-colons and I do not get along ;) Plus its good to hear what will and will not work, and what did not flow for them before it goes out online. What word-processing/editing programs do you use to write in? Do they include a spellchecker? Yes, I use Word 97, Works 2000 and Outlook 97. Yes it does have a spell checker. Who are the fan fiction authors that influenced you most, or made the greatest impression on you? Thamiris, Kendaa, Keelywolfe, Marina Frants, Eiluned, SaraC and Jenn. I also enjoy Pumpkin's stories. [Ashera: Some of these links were provided by Kathy of Mythic Designs. Cheers!] Did you send them feedback? Have you ever sent an author feedback? If so, how did they respond (if at all)? Yes, I have. Yes, they always do. Is historical accuracy important to you? Why or why not? Not really, there is always the AU end of things. Do you write for any other fandoms? If so, what are the pluses/minuses of the Herc-Xenaverse in comparison? Yes, I do. Xena for some reason takes me a long time to finish a story, I am not sure why. I love the characters, but its hard for me to get into her head. For example, my Ares Gabrielle story is taking about a year and half to write. My other gen Xena story is still incomplete but getting there. I try not to send out stories which are not finished or close to being completed. I have enough of those already ;) Hercules, Athena and Ares are easier for me to write. [Ashera: You didn't say what other fandoms you write for, but I'm assuming that Lord of the Rings is one of them based on your other answers] Do you write Uber fiction? Why or why not? No, never did. Not really intested in the genre. Now that both Hercules and Xena have ended, will you continue writing for the show(s)? Why or why not? Yes, I will. It's like Star Wars when it ended in the 80's. I am still a fan to this day. Is there any kind of Xena or Hercules fan fiction that isn't out there (as far as you know), but that you would like to see? (Pairing, genre, style, etc) I would love to see an epic written about the Olympians. I love the story lines based around the Gods, but very rarely are they used for more than a plot device, or in Ares case, as a sexual means to an end. So to speak ;) [Ashera: You might want to check out Candace's Thick as Thieves series, as well as her other stuff. Her stories aren't so much epic-like, but she writes the gods in a very different and intriguing light.] Any comments, questions, suggestions? No, I love your site, and it was fun taking this survey :) Keep up the good work, and Battle On!! [Ashera: Thanks :)] http://www.mythicdesigns.net
How long have you been watching Xena/Hercules/Young Hercules? I started with 2nd season of Xena. Then thought to watch a bit of Herc, too, to add variety to my life. So it's been about 5 years. What got you into the show(s)? My first episode was Orphan of War, After that I was hooked. But it wasn't until "The Quest" and that kiss scene that I started really watching. It gave me another place to go with my imagination. How did you discover fan fiction? Surfing the 'net and friends told me about various writers. It thought I'd give them a read but by this time, I could only see Xena and Gabrielle as a couple. Any writer put them with a different character, I didn't read it. What did you get out of fan fiction that you didn't get out of the show(s)? [if anything] Sex between our girls. And an intimacy that you have to be really looking for to see it. But in the Fan Fiction that I read, it's there... you don't have to look for it. Why did you decide to start writing fan fiction? For the fun. For my own pleasure. And because my mind asks me... "What if?" What characters do you enjoy writing about? Xena, Gabrielle, and their descendants. I feel they are soulmates. And that they meet up in life time after life time. There are so many people out there who want to find their soulmates and the idea of finding one's soulmate so appeals to me. And then have them be together against the odds is also appealing. Do you include sexual content in your stories? What pairing(s)? Why? If you don't, why not? Yes. My pairings are Gabrielle/Xena. Sometimes I throw Ares in too. But it's always, Xena and Gabrielle, together forever no matter what. Do you use beta readers? Why or why not? Not really. No main reason I just haven't used one so far. Who are the fan fiction authors that influenced you most, or made the greatest impression on you? There have been and still are too many to name. Is historical accuracy important to you? Why or why not? No. Why not? Because if you want history watch the history channel or read an biography. My stories are pure fantasy. Do you write for any other fandoms? My work is at other sites but I don't write for anyone but myself. Do you write Uber fiction? Why or why not? Yes, I write Uber. My first Fan Fiction was an Uber story. Why? Because I see myself as a Gabrielle type and I place me in imaginary situations and try to write how I might react. Any comments, questions, suggestions? No. Not really. Just Thank you for archiving my story. [Ashera: No problem :)]
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