Some of these quotes can only be understood by reading the whole story - which will hopefully mean you'll be interested in doing so *g* FUNNY
Zora and Nellie arguing in the hilarious Uber spoof D.C., by Lizzy (Tendre) - Article IV pt. D - Hosted on
Z: (Pretending to pick up the phone) Hi Suzy, what do you feel like eating for lunch ME? - So, Mary, what do you feel like doing this ME?
Zora and Nellie arguing (again) in D.C., by Lizzy (Tendre) - Article IV pt. D - Hosted on
When this was all over, he thought, ignoring the little twist in his gut, he'd write a scroll: 'How to Get a God's Cock Up Your Ass in 101 Slow and Not So Easy Steps.'
Autolycus trying to figure out what's 'up' with Ares in Like a Virgin, by Thamiris
Still panting, he turned to look at her, and even in the darkness she could see his face was split by that smug grin that he'd adopted ever since he'd grown truly confident with her - the 'I Gave Gabby Afterglow' grin, essentially. There was a long pause, as he wiped his mouth - and nose, and chin - evidently waiting for her to say something. Finally he whispered, 'I'm not hearing a 'thank you'...'
Gabrielle reflecting on Joxer's post-coital smugness in Camping With Xena, by Xebbie
'The long tongue of the law.'
Diana Starlett speaking to Charlotte Browning in the Uber tale Surfacing, by Paul Seely and Jennifer Garza. - Hosted on Mary D's The Bard's Corner
On genetic manipulation and eugenics...
'You can't produce strength if you use material that is weak. You can't produce intelligence if you use material that is stupid. And you certainly can't produce respect for authority if you use material that is criminal.'
Dr. Stephens speaking in the Uber story The Battle, by Judy (Wishes) - the story which inspired Klancy7 to write The Clinic. - Hosted on Mary D's The Bard's Corner