Last Updated: Aug 7th, 2004
Updates: Slowly adding the Xena Quotable base card pics. Sloooooowly.
Coming soon: X-Men 2
Coming in the marginably foreseeable future: Two Towers and Two Towers Update Edition, Spiderman 1 & 2 Movie, Lexx, Enterprise Seasons One, Two & Three, LoTR Fellowship of the Ring Update Edition, LoTR Return of the King, etc, Red Dwarf Futera Platinum (maybe), yada, yada, yada...
I've finally started to separate fandoms onto their own pages. Xena cards now have their own page. And I've started an X-men page, still working on it.
I'm still working on adding scans for all series. It's kinda tedious work.
Thanks to everyone for all the cool trades. Sorry for taking so long to respond to some of the offers, but I go through lazy e-mail phases ;)
This is a page for the listing of the non-sport trading cards that I collect. I have it up for the purpose of trading, but it can also be used as a checklist. I occasionally offer cards up for auction on eBay (my ID is strigah), but not very often. I've spent so much money on that damn site I'm not letting myself go there anymore. Much anyway ;) I finally decided that I ought to actually start to trade my trading cards. What a concept. I should also mention that I have wrappers for most series listed here. And for those interested in trades, I'm in Canada.
Just Xena, X-Men, X-Men 2, Lord of the Rings and Red Dwarf trading cards right now. I'm primarily interested in Science Fiction/Fantasy Movie and TV trading cards. Don't hesitate to contact me regarding any trades, sales or corrections :)
Special thanks to Diane at The Other Planet, Karin Weber of Trading Card Heaven and Sarah Reeson; All super cool traders/dealers that you'll love dealing with. Sarah also has helpful box breakdowns listed, and I'm thinking about starting to do that.
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Movie Cards - Topps, 2001
Topps Special Insert Checklist
Note: There were different cards released in North America, the U.K., New Zealand & Australia. In North America there were Hobby boxes sold, which included the autograph cards of Sean Astin, Cate Blanchett, Billy Boyd, Sir Ian Holm, Sir Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, Liv Tyler, Elijah Wood and John Rhys-Davies, and these boxes have 36 packs of cards. There were also retail boxes distributed, apparently released only in North America, that included the autographs of Christopher Lee, Orlando Bloom, Dominic Monaghan and Hugo Weaving, and included sticker cards. These boxes have 24 packs. Sean Bean's autograph card was only available from UK Hobby boxes. The European 'Special' Foil Cards are also different from the 'Prismatic' Foil Cards distributed in North America. The images are the same, but you can tell the difference between the foils when you hold them up to the light. The NA prismatic versions are much more 'rainbowy' (but don't expect the images below to reflect that - I just used the same images - I might get around to finding better examples of each later). Then there's different versions of the promo cards... bleh!
All listed cards will be those available in North America, unless otherwise noted. For a fairly comprehensive listing see Jeff Allender's House Of Checklists! - Lord of the Rings Movie Cards
Promo Cards #P1, P2 & P3
North American Prismatic Foil Cards #1 of 10 - Gimli, 2 of 10 - Saruman, 3 of 10 - Frodo, 4 of 10 - Lurtz, 5 of 10 - The Witch King, 6 of 10 - Boromir, 7 of 10 - Elrond, 8 of 10 - Lurtz, 9 of 10 - Ringwraiths, 10 of 10 - Orc Attack
European Special Foil Cards #1 of 10 - Gimli, 2 of 10 - Saruman, 3 of 10 - Frodo, 4 of 10 - Lurtz, 5 of 10 - The Witch King, 6 of 10 - Boromir, 7 of 10 - Elrond, 8 of 10 - Lurtz, 9 of 10 - Ringwraiths, 10 of 10 - Orc Attack
Bonus Foil Cards/Boxtoppers #1 of 2, 2 of 2
Sticker Cards - Retail Box #1 of 10 - Bilbo, 2 of 10 - Boromir, 3 of 10 - Frodo, 4 of 10 - Gandalf, 5 of 10 - Gimli, 6 of 10 - Legolas, 7 of 10 - Aragorn, 8 of 10 - Gandalf, 9 of 10 - Arwen, 10 of 10 - Frodo & Sam The back of the 1 to 9 stickers form a picture puzzle, and #10 has a picture of the completed puzzle on the back.
Collector's Storage Album/Binder
Dealer/Advertising Sell Sheet The Legend Comes to Life
Autograph Cards - Retail Box Christopher Lee as Saruman, Orlando Bloom as Legolas, Dominic Monaghan as Merry, Hugo Weaving as Elrond
Autograph Cards - Hobby Box Sean Astin as Sam, Cate Blanchett as Galadriel, Billy Boyd as Pippin, Sir Ian Holm as Bilbo, Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf, Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn, Liv Tyler as Arwen, Elijah Wood as Frodo & John Rhys-Davies as Gimli
Autograph Card - UK Hobby Box Sean Bean as Boromir
90 CARD BASE SET 1. The Legend Comes to Life
2. Gandalf
3. Bilbo
4. Frodo
5. Sam
6. Merry
7. Pippin
8. Aragorn
9. Arwen
10. Boromir
11. Elrond
12. Legolas
13. Gimli
14. Galadriel
15. Celeborn
16. Saruman
17. Lurtz
18. The Witch King
19. Arriving in Hobbiton
20. A Heartfelt Reunion
21. Bag End
22. Hobbit Celebration
23. Bilbo's Big Night
24. Trick or Treat?
25. Happy Birthday, Bilbo!
26. The Big Surprise
27. Confronting Bilbo
28. Secret of the Ring
29. Dark Legacy
30. The Quest Begins
31. The Lord of Isengard
32. Battle of the Wizards
33. Hobbit Friends Reunited
34. The Ringwraith
35. The Hobbits Take Cover
36. Escaping Death's Clutches
37. Inn of the Prancing Pony
38. Temptation
39. Confronting Strider
40. Death of the Gatekeeper
41. Eluding the Ringwraiths
42. A Treacherous Trek
43. Facing the Dark Riders
44. Caught by the Ringwraiths
45. The Flame and the Sword
46. Strider Attacks
47. Vision of the Witch King
48. Frodo Stricken!
49. Caverns of Horror
50. Birthing of an Uruk-Hai
51. Trollshaw Forest
52. The Arrival of Arwen
53. An Angel of Mercy
54. Ringwraith Attack
55. Reunited with Bilbo
56. Elrond of Rivendell
57. Dissent in the Council
58. The Ringbearer's Move
59. The Fellowship of Nine
60. A Hobbit's Fate
61. The Coming of Lurtz
62. A New Breed of Orc
63. The Pass of Caradhras
64. Speak Friend and Enter
65. Remembering the Way
66. Inside Balin's Tomb
67. Fool of a Took!
68. Drums of the Enemy
69. The Fellowship Battles
70. Frodo's Fight for Life
71. The Balrog of Morgoth
72. Escape to Lothlorien
73. Toward New Adventure
74. Pledged to the Cause
75. The Uruk-Hai Attack
76. The Might of a Dwarf
77. The Battle of Amon-Hen
78. The Horn of Gondor
79. Army of the Damned
80. Destiny of the Hobbits
81. The Uruks Fall
82. Of Magic and Make-up
83. On the Dark Side
84. Christopher Lee, Prince of Darkness
85. Bringing Bad End to Life
86. A Most Enchanting Subject
87. Monsters, Monsters Everywhere
88. A Rigorous Adventure
89. The Director's Vision
90. Checklist
HAVE TO TRADE Complete 90-card Set, Promo card (#P1 - Error card - makes reference to discontinued 'Heat-sensitive' cards), European 'Special' Foil Cards Gimli (1 of 10), Elrond (7 of 10), Lurtz (8 of 10), Ringwraiths (9 of 10) x2 & Orc Attack (10 of 10) x2 Base cards #1, 2 (x6), 3 (x2), 4 (x2), 5 (x6), 6 (x6), 7 (x4), 8 (x3), 9 (x4), 10 (x5), 11 (x3), 14, 15 (x2), 16 (x2), 18, 20, 22 (x2), 23 (x3), 24, 26 (x2), 28 (x2), 29 (x2), 30 (x3), 32 (x3), 34 (x2), 35 (x2), 36 (x2), 38, 40, 41, 42 (x2), 44 (x2), 45 (x2), 46 (x3), 50 (x3), 51 (x3), 54, 55 (x3), 56 (x4), 57 (x2), 58 (x3), 59 (x2), 60 (x3), 64 (x2), 65 (x3), 69 (x3), 71, 73, 75 (x3), 76, 77 (x3), 78, 79, 80, 81 (x3), 83, 85, 88 (x2), 89 (x2)
WANT Promo card #P3, Sticker card Bilbo (1 of 10), North American Prismatic Foil Cards Frodo (3 of 10) & Lurtz (4 of 10), European 'Special' Foil Card Boromir (6 of 10), Any of the Autograph Cards (particularly Orlando Bloom) except Elijah Wood, Both Boxtoppers Base cards #25 (x2), 52 (x2) & 53
X-Men The Movie Cards - Topps, 2000
There were hobby and retail boxes released for this series. The retail versions had 24 packs of 8 cards, clear cling stickers and X-Foil cards. The hobby versions had 36 packs of 8 cards, double-sided chromium cards, movie memorabilia costume cards and autograph cards.
This series of cards has got to have the worst sorting/collation I've ever seen. Out of the three boxes I have purchased (one hobby, two retail) I now have over 150 remaining singles, including 5 and 6's of many individual cards. And I only made out with one full deck out of my last retail box, another deck missing one card (#54), and the last deck missing a bunch. I already had a huge pile of singles from this series, and I only bought the last box hoping to complete some sets. So much for that. I still have a huge pile of singles. Yuck! I've never seen any other card set like this. X-Men singles anyone?
Promo Cards #0. Mutants Among Us (Exclusive Titan A.E Give-Away), X1. Wolverine, X2. Cyclops, X3. Storm & X4. Magneto
Double-Sided Chromium Cards - Hobby Box #C1. Professor X (back), C2. Cyclops (back), C3. Jean Grey (back), C4. Storm (back), C5. Wolverine (back), C6. Rogue (back), C7. Magneto (back), C8. Mystique (back), C9. Sabretooth (back) & C10. Toad (back)
Movie Memorabilia - Hobby Box Wolverine's Costume, Cyclops' Costume, Storm's Costume, Jean Grey's Costume
Autograph Cards - Hobby Box Bruce Davison as Senator Kelly, Lauren Shuler Donner (Producer), Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Famke Janssen as Jean Grey, Tyler Mane as Sabretooth, James Marsden as Cyclops, Sir Ian McKellen as Magneto, John Myhre (Production Designer), Bryan Singer (Director) and Patrick Stewart as Professor X
Clear Cling/Sticker Cards - Retail Box #CL1. Cyclops (Photo), CL2. Jean Grey (Photo), CL3. Storm (Photo), CL4. Wolverine (Photo), CL5. Cyclops (Art), CL6. Wolverine (Art), CL7. Magneto (Photo), CL8. Mystique (Photo), CL9. Sabretooth (Photo), CL10. Toad (Photo), CL11. Toad (Art), CL12. Magneto (Art) The backs of #CL1 to CL6 form a picture puzzle, as do CL7 to CL12.
Autograph Cards - Special Offers Anna Paquin as Rogue, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos as Mystique, Ray Park as Toad - See Jeff Allender's House Of Checklists! - X-Men The Movie for more information.
X-Foil Cards - Retail Box #1 of 10 - Professor X, 2 of 10 - Cyclops, 3 of 10 - Jean Grey, 4 of 10 - Storm, 5 of 10 - Wolverine, 6 of 10 - Rogue, 7 of 10 - Magneto, 8 of 10 - Mystique, 9 of 10 - Sabretooth & 10 of 10 - Toad
Advertising Poster - Hobby Box
Dealer/Advertising Sell Sheet
72 CARD BASE SET Profiles
1. X-Men The Movie
2. Professor X
3. Magneto
4. Jean Grey
5. Cyclops
6. Wolverine
7. Sabretooth
8. Rogue
9. Storm
10. Mystique
11. Senator Kelly
12. Toad
The Story
13. The Nazi Trauma
14. Love Can Kill
15. Are Mutants Dangerous?
16. Two Old Friends
17. A Bout With Wolverine
18. The Feral Fury
19. A Gun Against Wolverine
20. Adamantium Attack!
21. Two For The Road
22. Sabretooth Terror!
23. Primal Combatants
24. Snow Titans
25. Unexpected Rescue
26. Kelly's Crusade
27. The Awakening
28. Inside X Headquarters
29. The World of "X"
30. Xavier's Offer
31. The Capture of Kelly
32. Inside Story
33. Facing Magneto
34. Magneto's Mad Plan
35. The Senator Transformed
36. Logan's Dream
37. Absorbing His Power
38. Kelly's Escape
39. Mutant Misjudgment
40. What's Wrong With Kelly?
41. Kindred Spirits
42. Surprised by a Monster
43. Terminal Mayhem
44. Thrashed by the Enemy
45. Unscheduled Stop
46. Invading a Train
47. Three The Hard Way
48. Saved By Psychic Power
49. Death of a Mutant
50. It's Up to Team X
51. Assault on Liberty Island
52. Dr. Grey's Gamble
53. Hero's on the Scene
54. Psychic Slugfest
55. Burning it Off
56. Deadly Deception
57. Good vs. Evil
58. The Tables Turned
59. Power Against Power
60. Sacrificing Rogue
61. The Final Struggle
62. Destroying the Machine
63. Toward Tomorrow
Behind the Scenes
64. Fantastic Epic
65. Action And Drama
66. Logan's Fun
67. Set Pieces
68. Mutant Perils
69. Girl Power
70. Mad Machinery
71. The Challenge
72. Checklist
HAVE TO TRADE Complete 72-card Set, X-Foil #5 of 10 - Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Sticker Cards #CL3. Halle Berry as Storm, CL8. Rebecca Romijn-Stamos as Mystique & CL10. Ray Park as Toad, Advertising Poster (Retail Box) Base cards #1, 2 (x3), 4 (x5), 5 (x3), 6 (x3), 7 (x3), 8 (x6), 9 (x3), 11 (x5), 14, 16, 17 (x4), 18 (x6), 19 (x5), 20 (x3), 21 (x2), 23 (x5), 24 (x3), 25, 26, 28 (x7), 29, 30, 31 (x2), 32 (x3), 33 (x5), 34, 35 (x6), 37 (x3), 38, 39 (x3), 40 (x2), 42 (x3), 44, 45 (x3), 46 (x2), 47 (x3), 48 (x2), 49 (x3), 50 (x7), 51 (x5), 52, 53 (x2), 56 (x3), 57 (x3), 58 (x2), 59 (x3), 61 (x5), 62 (x4), 64 (x4), 66 (x4), 67 (x3), 69 (x2), 70 (x3)
WANT Any of the Promo Cards, Hugh Jackman Autograph Card, sticker/cc cards #CL11 Sabretooth, X-Foil cards 2 of 10 - Cyclops, 6 of 10 - Rogue, 9 of 10 - Sabretooth & 10 of 10 - Toad, Chromium cards #C1, C3, C4, C5, C7, C8, C9 & C10 Base cards #12, 13, 27, 36, 54, 71 & 72
Red Dwarf North American Preview Set - Rittenhouse, 2002
This set was slated as a limited edition North American release. Considering that Rittenhouse still has sets available on their site I doubt that there is going to be anything to follow. But who knows.... Maybe after the movie is finally produced they'll start more North American releases. Although, the film isn't even supposed to begin shooting until May of 2004. *whine* I'd really love to get the Red Dwarf Futera Platinum set, but it's so expensive.
1. Crew
2. Lister
3. Rimmer
4. Cat
5. Kryten
6. Holly
7. Kochanski
8. Red Dwarf
9. Starbug
For convenience's sake, here's a list of most of the cards and card-related items that I have available for trade:
- Complete Xena Beauty & Brawn 72-card set
- Xena Beauty & Brawn #FW1
- 2 Complete Xena Series 6 72-card sets
- Complete Xena Series 6 Ares: God of War set
- Xena Series 6 Ares God of War #GW8
- Xena Series 6 #P2
- Xena Series 6 Trading Card Sellsheet
- Complete Xena Series 4/5 Allies #F1 - F9 set
- Xena Series 4/5 Allies #F2 & F8
- Xena Series 4/5 Enemies #E2
- Xena Series 4/5 Promo Cards #P1 & P2
- Complete X-Men The Movie 72-card set
- X-Men The Movie sticker card #CL3. Storm, CL8. Mystique & CL10. Toad
- X-Men The Movie X-Foil #5 of 10
- X-Men The Movie Advertising Poster (Retail Box)
- Complete LoTR Movie 90-card Set
- LoTR Promo card (#P1 - Error card - makes reference to discontinued 'Heat-sensitive' cards)
- LoTR European 'Special' Foil Cards Gimli (1 of 10), Elrond (7 of 10), Lurtz (8 of 10), Ringwraiths (9 of 10) & Orc Attack (10 of 10)
- Base cards for most decks. Check specific listing.
- I have a fair amount of Xena memorabilia/comics/magazines/taped interviews, etc, so if there's something you've been looking for...just ask.
I'll sell any promo card listed for $.50
- Promo Card: Planet of the Apes #2 of 4 - Promo Card for the Movie collection released July, 2001 by Topps.
- Promo Card: Thunderbirds Series 1 #P1 - Promo Card for the Series 1 collection released May, 2001 by Cards Inc.
- Promo Card: The Outer Limits Premiere Edition Promo Card (unnumbered) - Promo Card for the Premiere Edition collection released February, 2002 by Rittenhouse Archives.
And a list of some of the things I am looking for (and in some cases will pay for):
- Xena Series 3 #P1
- Trading Card Sell Sheets for Xena Series 1 & 2 from Topps
- Any of the Xena Beauty & Brawn Autograph Cards, except Hudson Leick #A7
- Any of the Xena Beauty & Brawn Kevin Smith Tribute Cards, except #KS6 & KS9
- Any of the Xena Series 6 Autograph Cards, except Jeremy Callaghan #A25
- Any of the Xena Series 6 Wet, Wicked & Wild Set, except #WWW4 & WWW5
- Any of the Xena Series 4/5 Autograph Cards, particularly Kevin Smith
- Any of the Xena Series 4/5 Undressed Set, except #U4
- Any of the Xena Series 4/5 Gabrielle, The Battling Bard set, except #G1 & G4
- Any of the Xena Series 2 Autograph Cards, particularly Kevin Smith
- All of the Xena Costume Cards except #R2, R6, R11, DC1 & C3
- Any of the Hercules Series 1 Cards, except the base cards #28, 40, 51 & 90 (or I'll trade for a complete deck)
- Hercules Series 1 Promo Card #P2 (Xena)
- Any Hercules cards with Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor, Ted Raimi, Hudson Leick, Karl Urban or Kevin Smith on them
- LoTR: Fellowship of the Ring Base cards #25 (x2), 52 (x2) & 53
- LoTR Orlando Bloom Autograph Card
- LoTR Promo Card #P3
- LoTR Sticker card Bilbo (1 of 10)
- LoTR North American Prismatic Foil Cards Frodo (3 of 10) & Lurtz (4 of 10)
- Trading Card Sell Sheet for X-Men The Movie
- X-Men The Movie Autograph Cards, particularly Hugh Jackman
- X-Men The Movie Clear Cling/Sticker Card #CL11
- X-Men The Movie X-Foil cards #2 of 10, 6 of 10, 9 of 10 & 10 of 10
- X-Men The Movie Chromium cards #C1, C3, C4, C5, C7, C8, C9 & C10
Contact Ashera
Don't have anything to trade? Buy any common card for only $.10! Buy any base/common cards I have available for only $.10 a piece. And you can pay for them with any major credit card via PayPal. Send me an e-mail if the shipping doesn't seem to be calculating properly or if you're wanting to buy a very small or very large amount of cards. I will try and keep my card availability listing as current as possible, but if you pay for a card that I no longer have, I will gladly refund your money. If you're interested in buying any available promo cards as well, please contact me.
Checklists, Trading Card Pages I used as references (and places where I might have scammed a scan or two for cards I don't have) and vendor sites where I've bought cards:Jeff Allender's House Of Checklists! - Everything Non-Sport!
Xena Cards - The Other Planet - Get your Xena singles here
Trading Card Heaven
Xena, Hercules and other Non-Sport Trading Cards
Michelle's Xena Library: Trading Cards
Warp 9 Non-Sport Trading Cards
Knight Ware Inc. - Trading Cards
Trading Cards
Non-Sport Update Magazine
UK Trading Cards
Kestrel Trading Cards
Xena: Warrior Princess Cards - Xena Series 1 & 2
Littlenessie's Hercules and Xena Trading Cards
xSaBx's 2003 Trading Card Page
John Gordon's Non-Sport Trading Cards
Gab's Women of "X" Trading Cards
Do's Non-Sport Card Sets & Singles
If you'd like me to add a link to your Trading Card page, just drop me a line.
I also took scans from eBay auctions. If I've used a picture of yours and you don't want me to, send me an e-mail and I'll take it off the page. But please keep in mind, I'm not using pictures here for any other reason than to help people identify different cards. If a site explicitly stated that no one was to use the scans, then I didn't take them. Almost all of the larger and high-quality card scans with fronts and backs are mine - and feel free to use them. But please don't take any of the graphics I designed specifically for the page.
Any links to Ashera's Non-Sport Trading Cards would be greatly appreciated. Banners below if you're interested:
My Xena and Hercules fan fiction pairing archive, Ashera's Archive
Hercules and Xena Banner Exchange
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring & Two Towers pictures and cards © Topps, New Line Productions, Saul Zaentz D/B/A Tolkien Enterprises 2001, 2002, 2003. Xena and Hercules pictures and cards © Topps, Rittenhouse, MCA/Universal/USA Studios 1996 - 2003
X-Men Movie & X-Men 2 pictures and cards © Marvel, Topps & Twentieth Century Fox 2000 - 2003
Red Dwarf pictures and cards © of Rittenhouse, BBC Worldwide Ltd and Grant Naylor Productions 1994 - 2003
The pictures were used without permission. This is a fannish, not-for-profit site and is not intended to infringe on any copyright.
Please don't take any of the graphics that I have designed for this site. Specifically, the Red Dwarf intro, the X-Men intro, the LoTR intro, the Xena intro, and the site title graphic. Thank you.