- May 20th, 2012
- June 14th, 2011
- May 25th, 2011
- Feb 10th, 2011
- Oct 21st, 2010
- Oct 12th, 2010
- Oct 8th, 2010
- Oct 2nd, 2010
- Sept 25th, 2010
- Sept 16th, 2010
- Sept 14th, 2010
- Sept 13th, 2010
- Sept 10th, 2010
- Sept 7th, 2010
- Sept 6th, 2010
- Sept 2nd, 2010
- Dec 27th, 2007
- Aug 26th, 2007
- July 14th, 2007
- July 4th, 2007
- July 6th, 2006
- July 4th, 2006
- June 17th, 2006
- May 10th, 2006
- June 1st, 2005
- May 21st, 2005
- Nov 2004
May 20th, 2012
Well, hullo there. How are you? I am fine.
Dunno why the site is displaying oddly on some browers. It wasn't before, I don't think anyway. I need to do some tinkering.
Because I was naughty and bought a new bunch of photos from Louise I had the urge to update. The main point of this site was originally to help me keep track of what I do and don't already own, so... Anyway, addiction continues ;)
Added more photos care of Manon again. She actually sent them to me last summer :/ I have also added some that I bought last summer. Updates all over the site, but predominantly on the Hercules page (with a whole lot more pics of Alexandra Tydings care of Manon), also a few to the Hudson Leick page, completed the 2010 Photo Club page, finished adding to the Renee photos page using AFAD 8, and a bunch of other little things here and there.
Will prolly keep updating for the next little while again. Have a good summer!
June 14th, 2011
Manon has been kind enough to fill in more empty spots all over the site, as well as supply copies of her photos. Thank you again, Manon. Almost every major page has been updated in some way.
As well, I completed the 2000 Photo Club, the 2001 Photo Club and the 2002 Photo Club pages. I will be working on finally finishing all of the photo club pages this summer, working from the oldest club pics to the most recent.
I've also added 60 new scans to the gallery on Ashera's Archive; about half photo club, the other half regular catalog, as well as a few promo pics.
Have a good summer everyone :)
PS - Manon also thinks that I'm wrong about XE-MISC135 and XE-MISC229...
May 25th, 2011
Just a little update for now. Finally filling in some of the holes on the Miscellaneous page with the help of AFAD 8. I should also mention that Manon sent me a few scans that I was missing a while back, including a couple of hard to find ones (like XE-MISC 77 and XE-MISC218). Thank you again, Manon.
Also so close to being finished with a gallery update on Ashera's Archive. I have 32 pics done and will be trying for another 13.
Speaking of AFAD 8, there are a few cases where I think it's not completely accurate, which is obviously completely forgivable with such a large undertaking. The fact that it was done with as much detail as it was is remarkable. There is so much stuff that I would not have otherwise. Having said that...(sorry Louise :S), there is the one case that Karl already pointed out to me, that of XE-MISC134 being mixed up with the script picture for Sacrifice II, XE-SCR13. I also suspect a coupla other pics. For example, I'm not convinced that XE-MISC135 is accurate. According to AFAD 8 both XE-MISC135 and XE-MISC229 are the same picture. I remember when the first picture from this scene in A Family Affair was released, and it was the same shot as this 1999 Calendar picture. I suspect that XE-MISC135 is the shot from the calendar and that the other photo was the later released XE-MISC229. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong...
100% accuracy will probably never be achieved, what with photos being re-issued and with Creation being unhelpful and smelly. Oh well.
February 10th, 2011
So, had a lot of personal things going on over the past few months. We'll see how long I keep updating again.
Also had a depressing email back from Sharon Delaney in response to my asking for photo information a few months ago. I guess essentially Creation sees this site as infringing. Sharon suggested that sites like this one lessen the 'sellability' of the photos they release. This is such a fundamentally ignorant position that I'm not even going to go into it. I suppose that expecting Creation to recognize a good opportunity to bolster the Xena community that doesn't involve an immediate monetary return is naive at best.... It really left a bad taste in my mouth for awhile and it took me some time to rinse it out.
I did have a weak moment and bought some of those promo pics that I was raving about back in October. I couldn't buy all the ones that I wanted but I'll be adding the few that I did soon; including the crazy muscle flex pic of Lucy ;)
I started some new pages back in October, for the script photos, folio sets and large series. They are not complete, but I was able to finally acquire enough examples to warrant starting the pages. XE-BG series page is up now.
Also just received my copy of 'Anything for a Dinar? 8' (AFAD) from Louise in the UK :) I'm starting to update the regular catalog pages based on the info from AFAD and have started with the Lucy photos and Renee photos. I am using some pics of hard to find photos from AFAD directly, but trying to avoid that as much as possible. I'm finding it harder and harder to find good sources of Xena pics these days...especially of Renee. AFAD has proven invaluable in filling many of the holes near the later end of the catalog that I would have never been able to fill otherwise. So, thank you Louise!
Also updating the 2010 Photo Club page up to October, and started the 2008 Photo Club page. I'm still working on those updates but decided to go ahead and post this now because I'll probably be finished later tonight. I've also started listing the episodes on the Photo Club pages and will eventually have a list of all of the episodes on the main Photo Club page with links to the months for those episodes.
I'm also working on a gallery update for Ashera's Archive and hope to add another 40 photos or so within the month. I wish I could add them faster but scanning, cropping and cleaning photos is so time consuming.
Oct 21st, 2010
Gahhh, pain! Collector pain! *sob* I so want these episode promo sheets being sold on eBay right now by the seller gevxena, as well as a bunch of other promo material that I'd love to get my hands on. There are about eight black and white promo sheets for season one episodes that I've never seen before. Will be so jealous of whoever wins them ;) On the bright side, the seller was nice enough to make good scans of them. So, they'll be saved for all posterity now. I'll be adding them to the early promotional shots area eventually.
This one black and white promo shot kind of gives me a chuckle. Were they planning on putting in a sword with artwork or was this a muscle flex?
I wish I could buy them all, but alas.... For once when a seller has used the phrase 'very rare' I actually agree.
New help has come in from Karl (and no, not Karl Urban ;). As a result of his wonderful assistance I've been able to fill in a big bunch of the holes on the Miscellaneous page, and the Lucy and Renee pages. Some of the pictures are not of the best quality but I'll be replacing them with better versions as available. I've also substantially updated the Hudson Leick page (some of the new photos on that page were from Hudson Leick Online) and updated the guest stars page as well. Thank you so much, Karl!
One thing that has become clear as a result of making the site more complete is that many photos have been re-issued under new Creation codes. I was hoping that this wasn't really the case, or that it was a rare occurrence, but they have clearly re-issued almost all of the season folio set pictures as part of their regular catalog. I understand that they're running out of photos to use, but I still think that this is unfortunate. Some examples of duplications are:
2nd Photo June 1999 Photo Club
I'm not 100% on the accuracy of XE-RO26.
Please keep in mind that the differences in the quality of the photos above is really arbitrary. It reflects the sources of the photos more than anything else. And the differences in the folio pictures versus the regular catalog are only the result of the folio pictures being shown pre-cut.
Speaking of arbitrary, I'm not sure how to treat slightly different cut versions of photos that Creation will sometimes do. XE-RO50 and XE-RO53 are the exact same shot, but were cut a little differently. Renee is more centered in the shot from 53 (the examples are both confirmed with Creation sources). I also remember seeing another version cut even more to the left, where you could actually see the edge of Draco standing by the tub. I cannot remember where I saw that, unfortunately, perhaps at a convention. I wish I'd grabbed a copy of the variant. *shrug* I imagine that in some of these cases they're the result of errors. I hope so, anyway. Either way, in the case of XE-RO50 and XE-RO53, the differences in how the photo is cut doesn't warrant a new code - as far as I see it.
On a more fun note, I will also begin compiling a reference of photos that are different, and that may even come from different parts of the catalog, but that are from the same 'instance.' Some examples follow. This series of photos of Xena are all from the same scene in Coming Home and were taken in close succession:
It's just cool seeing them together ;)
Oct 12th, 2010
Used the 2001 Creation catalog to fill in some of the holes on the Miscellaneous page, the guest stars page, and the Lucy and Renee pages.
Oct 8th, 2010
Manon sent me a 2001 Creation catalog which I have used to update various parts of the site with, albeit moderately. Unfortunately, many of the unidentified photos on this site were issued after the release of this catalog, and the catalogs themselves are always a little incomplete. It is still greatly helpful however, and many thanks to Manon for that. For some of the photos that I cannot find examples of on the Net I will be scanning the catalog pages itself for examples, but I hope to do this only when absolutely necessary. It's becoming harder and harder to find good online Xena galleries as so many Xena sites have just disappeared, sadly.
Most of the recent updates were to the Hercules page.
Apart from that I have also started on the 2002 photo club page.
Oct 2nd, 2010
Finished with the 2009 photo club page and started the 2010 so far.
I also have a scan up of the proper XE-MISC3 thanks to Manon. My weird version without logo appears to be the anomaly. And this photo is just another crappy issued version of the same XE-MISC3 shot.
I've also added 30 new pictures to the gallery on Ashera's Archive. My July 2008 Old Ares Had a Farm photo club month seems to be really dark to me. Wondering if my photos were just in a bad batch or if everyone's copies were really dark. I don't like how they look.
Sept 25th, 2010
Manon reminded me about AFAD (Anything for a Dinar?), the Xena Collectables Fanzine, and I remembered that I had bought volume 7 years ago. I should have remembered before because I posted on their facebook page on Sept 2nd. Makes me wonder what drugs I am on and why I'm not having more fun taking them. I'm currently looking for a copy of volume 8, but am now using volume 7 to confirm some of the photoclub pics and have added it to the sources.
Have started the 2001 and 2006 photo club pages. Why am I doing things in weird incomplete batches like that? I dunno. Just to annoy you?
I should also mention that I've added 40 new photos to the gallery on Ashera's Archive.
Sept 16th, 2010
More updates care of Manon's feedback :) Pulled some pics off of the unidentified Xena photo page and the unidentified Herc page as a result. Updated the Hercules page accordingly, as well as the Kevin Smith page. Man, they sure did release a lot of photos of Kevin Smith under the Hercules catalog. Must have irked some egos... ;)
Finished with the 2005 photo club page. Have started the 2000 photo club page.
Sept 14th, 2010
Is XE-RO203 - which I think that I got from the Creation site - really the exact same pic as the second photo in the June 1999 Photo Club? Hope I didn't mix something up.
Finished with the 1999 photo club page. And made changes to the unidentified Xena photo page and the unidentified Herc page.
Sept 13th, 2010
Special thanks to Mike of Mike's Images who has graciously given me permission to use images from his site and also helped supply me with a bunch of other images that I was missing. I'll be updating some of the photoclub months that I do not own to slightly larger photos shortly.
And another big special thanks to Manon who has identified a bunch of the photos on the unidentified page for me. Enormously helpful. I've made a bunch of updates based on her feedback, especially to the guest stars area, but I'm not completely finished with that.
Also updated the 1999 Photo Club page, and am working on 2005 and 2007 as well. Also started an unidentified Herc page, but it's very preliminary right now.
Sept 10th, 2010
Updated the Miscellaneous page. Also updated my trade page.
I no longer have access to her email address, but if SEKHMET happens to read this...I'd love to get ahold of your image logs again, the same ones that you sent to me back in 2005. They're on an old inaccessible hard drive right now and I'd love to recheck against them. Please get back to me if you can at my hotmail address, handle Strigah
I'm frustrated that Creation has issued the same photos under the MISC codes and under the LL and RO codes. Case in point, this pic is both XE-MISC304 and XE-LL231. Either I screwed up or...why would they do that?
Sept 7th, 2010
I've moved Hudson to her own page, added more stuff to the Unidentified page, and have added more photos to the guest stars area again.
Sept 6th, 2010
Amazing how no one died in the earthquake in Christchurch, NZ, isn't it? 7.0 and no one dead? Doesn't even seem possible. But thankfully it is possible and good luck to all those affected by the quake. Knowing Lucy she'll get involved somehow.
More updates all over the site, but predominantly in the guest stars area, Photo Club 2005 page and the Renee photos. I'm still busy scanning more photoclub months...
Sept 2nd, 2010
Just felt like adding a few things, but please don't expect it to last for too long. Updated some of the Photo Club pages. Also updated the Lucy photos and am currently working on the Renee photos and the Miscellaneous. I've also started a page for photos that I don't have the Creation code for: Unidentified.
I've changed computers a few times since last updating and I've lost track of a lot of images I downloaded from the web, plus photos I scanned. It sucks because that includes lots of catalogue pics from the Creation site that I hadn't uploaded to the server yet. Unfortunately this has resulted in some big gaps, made worse by the fact that I haven't bought any Xena photos in forever. Hope to one day access some of my old hard drives and complete more of the site. I really, really need to because I also designed a bunch of graphics that are on the hard drives, including an angsty Xena online graphic novel I was starting. But again...no promises.
And thanks to my buddy Jay for getting me a copy of CS4 Photo Shop. Can't live without a decent paint program.
Dec 27th, 2007
Just updated the 2007 Photo Club page. Will be adding the rest of the year with the next batch.
Aug 26th, 2007
I bought another batch of pics this summer, the last that I will buy for some time (cause I went a little nuts for awhile). But I bought these because they were priced too-good-to-be-true (@ $.99 each) - and probably were just that. I think, anyway. Some of them look like copies of Creation photos to me, albeit pretty good ones, logo and all, but I cannot be completely sure (I show a couple examples below). But as I'm not sure and only suspect that they're copies I won't identify the seller on eBay. But do be careful with listings that have a photo with the proper Xena logo, but make no mention of being a Creation photo either in the title or the listing description. It might mean nothing. It might also be an indication that it's not what it looks like. What helped me decide to take the gamble was that two of the listings from the seller did identify themselves as Creation photos. Those two also turned out to be authentic, I believe. Anyway, that's what you get for .99 :P
As I cannot be sure that this batch of photos are authentic Creation photos I won't list these as haves, nor will I offer them for trade, with one exception. But I explicitly note the specific photo on my trades page.
July 14th, 2007
Added a few more Lucy photos last week and a few more Renee photos today.
July 4th, 2007
Happy Independence Day, you yanks.
It's photo club time. I'm tired of trying to figure out what photo club sets I already have when skimming the insanely expensive and frustratingly-incomplete photo club pictures available on eBay. Or trying to figure out whether a photo I've found at a decent price is from a photoclub set. Head straight over to the new Photo Club page. So far the only complete year is 1998, but I'm going to be working backwards from 2007 from this point forwards as I cannot find 2007 photo club photos anywhere and Mary D's only lists to 2005. Luckily I have most of the months from 2006 (I'm missing Jan, Nov & Dec) and have since started up my subscription again from April 2007 onwards.
Speaking of eBay, all auction sites seem to be a depressing wasteland when it comes to Xena photos these days. Mainly just stores selling pictures that are overpriced. Hardly anymore real fans selling off bits of their collection at respectable prices :(. And why anyone would buy individual photos for $10 each when they come from photo club sets that are still available on Creation is beyond me. Not to mention selling sold-out photo club photos individually for over $30?! Highway robbery, I say! But then, if I were rich I'd buy 'em all regardless. But there do seem to be a few sellers who will have some decent deals. I'm buying a bunch of stuff from Deankhs Delights right now. And no, I don't get a commission. I wish! ;)
I still have piles of photos to add, and to also add to my real gallery on Ashera's Archive, but the cleaning process takes so long and I get bored easy.
July 6th, 2006
Just got some photos in the mail and guess what? They're shitty copies. Yay! Don't buy any Xena photos from celebphotos2005 on eBay.
July 4th, 2006
Updated the Miscellaneous Creation page extensively, and also made significant additions to the Renee page. And some smaller additions and changes on the Hercules and Lucy pages. I just bought a whole bunch of photos recently (because I am a very sick, sick individual ;), so I'll be adding more scans soon as well. Also plan to start adding photo club pictures soonish.
June 17th, 2006
Updated the Lucy page.
May 10th, 2006
Okay, the site disappeared for a week or so due to a domain management glitch. Not really sure what happened, but we're back. And despite that my monitor is messed up and all the photos look strange to me, I'm interested in updating again.
I also received an offer from another helpful person for more photo cataloguing information. More good stuff to come it seems...
June 1st, 2005
Yay! Yay! Yay for Sekhmet! Because of her generosity many holes were filled in the creation catalog for me. She supplied me with awesome photo log type things for Xena, Gab and Misc photos. Many, many thanks!
A full launch will be coming shortly.
May 21st, 2005
Second still sorta-lame-mini launch ;) Asking for help from people.
Nov 2004
First pseudo-launch. Just showing to friends.
Original intro on the main page:
November 2004 - Being a rabid Xena-photo addict I want to be able to eventually collect every 'official' Xena photo ever released. In order to even get a grip on what is out there I wanted to be able to use a master catalogue of all the Xena: Warrior Princess photos ever released. I, however, haven't been able to find one. So, also being a reference-geek - and insane - I wanted to try and make one. Yikes? I want it to be a searchable database eventually, but one thing at a time....